We took a tour of old town, visiting a five hundred year old house with a 92 year old Uyger woman. Old Town is an entirely Uygher population, sorry if my spelling of Uygher changes by the way, there are lots of ways to spell it. It was kind of difficult to see how the houses were actually set up because all of the houses that were open for tourists to visit were also filled with handicrafts for sale. I didn't get any pictures with people older than five because the local Uygers dislike having their pictures taken.
After the tour we visited a large Mosque in Kashgar city. The Mosque is the largest in China I think, though that may be wrong. I feel bad because my facts on this one are really bad, but I think it can accommodate like 40, 000 people praying but because the women are supposed to pray at home it really doesn't get that full ever it sounded like.
We shopped- Christmas is now over, family- ate at Old Town, watched dancing, got forced to dance, then got on a plane to Urumqi or Wulumuqi. Every plane leaving Kashgar international Airport was flying to Urumqi.
Urumqi is a city of 3 million people, so really small for China. It is the largest city in XinJiang province though I believe and is also the capital of Xinjiang. Our Urumqi guide told us we came at the best time of the year but that "in winter, this city is like a chimney" and what a crummy place to live Urumqi is in the winter because its smoggy and dirty and awful. Pretty much that's what I got out of her. She really hates her city in the winter.
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